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Streamline the quote and bind process with the WebRater. 10 available products to quote now. 

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Third-party claims

Claims brought against the insured alleging a privacy breach or other failure of network security, including cover for damages and legal representation. Coverage also extends to regulatory investigations and resulting fines and penalties.

Business interruption

Cover for lost profits resulting from a system outage, as well as necessary expenses incurred to maintain normal operations.

Response costs

Reimbursement of the insured’s immediate expenses for managing an incident, including:

  •  IT forensic costs
  • Legal expenses
  • Public relations expenses
  • Credit monitoring and identity theft prevention services

Data restoration

Costs incurred to restore or replace affected data and software

Cyber extortion

Costs to engage specialists to assist in managing a cyber extortion or ransomware incident, and reimbursement for ransoms paid.

Reputational harm

Loss of income due to an adverse media event.

Social engineering fraud

Optional cover for lost funds and other associated expenses resulting from direct theft via electronic means, including by social engineering, phishing, phreaking, botnetting and cyber fraud.



occupations available on WebRater


primary limits


excess limits

How to get a quote



Instant quotations and bindings are now available through the WebRater for organisations with revenue of up to $50m, and for limits of up to $2m.


Our dedicated cyber underwriters can offer primary limits of up to $5m and excess limits of up to $10m for organisations with annual revenue up to $1b.

Dedicated and experienced incident response and claims service


Knowing who to call when a cyber event occurs is critical, so every DUAL Cyber Insurance policy also comes with access to hotline support provided 24/7 through our dedicated Cyber Incident Management Team (CIMT) and backed by a panel of specialist service providers.

All DUAL insureds also receive the benefit of claims support from our experienced in-house Claims team based in Australia.


If you need to notify an incident, contact the CIMT.


P: 1300 004 880 or P: +1 844 502 9237
E: [email protected]


Meet the Cyber team

Samuel Rogers - 285 x 320


Head of Cyber Insurance

Ciarran Morrissey-  285 x 320


Lead Underwriter – Cyber Insurance

Samuel Rogers - 285 x 320

Samuel Rogers

Head of Cyber Insurance

Ciarran Morrissey-  285 x 320

Ciaran Morrissey

Lead Underwriter – Cyber Insurance