

About us

Streamline the quote and bind process with the WebRater. 8 available products to quote.

Document library
Download all our policy wordings, proposal and claims forms, and product profiles.


New Zealand

Don’t see a country you’re looking for?

Together with our partner brokers, we have an international network across 90 territories. Whether you’re a multinational looking for a broker that’s truly global, or a smaller business looking to insure your local needs, we can help you.

The power to change our world


As a business, DUAL is about taking action. It’s fundamental to our entrepreneurial spirit, and it doesn’t just apply during office hours. It relates to the communities we move in and the world we live in.


That’s why we constantly strive to be a force for good.



raised for over 200 charities and we are not slowing down!


participation hours - we ran, planked, squatted,​ hiked, ​and the list goes on


volunteer hours for various charities and initiatives!

2024 Social impact snapshot

Watch our short video, which tells the story of some of DUAL's social impact efforts throughout the year.

Giving back

Helping others is part of who we are. Through our global programme of volunteering and fundraising activities, we support and boost awareness of some of the most pressing issues our planet and communities are facing.


Our people across the globe are passionate about making a positive impact. From community-sponsored events and creative fundraising initiatives to skills-based volunteering, our support for charities, communities and individuals remains unwavering.


The Howden Foundation

In our commitment to sustainability, we hold a fundamental belief that a thriving business must prioritise the wellbeing of people, communities and the global environment – both now and for future generations.


One of the ways we do this is through our corporate foundation, the Howden Foundation, an independent registered charity with a mission to protect people from the social and economic impacts of climate change. Since 2014 we have financially supported the Howden Foundation, enabling it to address some of the most pressing challenges humanity faces.

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Charity partnerships

DUAL is proud to support over 200 charities every year, as chosen by our people. Our strategic charity partner in New Zealand is From Me.


DUAL is proud to partner with From Me, a not-for-profit organisation providing children in Papua New Guinea with suitable and sustainable educational resources and facilities. Together, we participate in events to fundraise and increase awareness about the importance of quality education across the Pacific.

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Damien Coates
Mental Health Ambassador

Damien Coates has been a public advocate for mental health for many years.


In recent years, Damien has become a partner of Black Dog Institute as a Mental Health Ambassador sharing his lived experience with Depression.


Damien has presented to over 10,000 people and together with DUAL, fundraised $1,000,000 for Black Dog Institute. 

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