

About us

Streamline the quote and bind process with the WebRater. 8 available products to quote.

Document library
Download all our policy wordings, proposal and claims forms, and product profiles.


New Zealand

Don’t see a country you’re looking for?

Together with our partner brokers, we have an international network across 90 territories. Whether you’re a multinational looking for a broker that’s truly global, or a smaller business looking to insure your local needs, we can help you.

Protection against financial loss


Crime Protection is a specialised type of cover designed to protect businesses from financial losses due to criminal activities such as theft, fraud or employee dishonesty. This insurance typically covers direct losses from incidents like fidelity, burglary, forgery or cybercrime, helping organisations recover financially after a crime occurs.


By investing in Crime Protection, businesses can mitigate risk and ensure continuity even in the face of unforeseen criminal acts.

Although effective internal protocols can help a company prevent fraud, dishonest employees and external fraudsters can still breach the security of even the best-managed organisations with the strongest controls, resulting in potentially significant financial losses.


up to $10m

policy limit available


occupations available

Risk appetite

We have a broad target market for private companies and publicly listed companies.
Preferred risks
  • Manufacturers
  • White collar industries
  • Blue collar industries
  • Retail
  • IT
Selective risks
  • Financial institutions

Need a hand?

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Dedicated underwriting team


For larger or more complex risks, please reach out to our financial lines underwriting team.