

About us

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Document library
Download all our policy wordings, proposal and claims forms, and product profiles.


New Zealand

Don’t see a country you’re looking for?

Together with our partner brokers, we have an international network across 90 territories. Whether you’re a multinational looking for a broker that’s truly global, or a smaller business looking to insure your local needs, we can help you.

Warranty & Indemnity (W&I)


W&I insurance provides a specialised form of coverage designed to protect parties involved in mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions. It provides cover for financial losses arising from a breach of the warranties or indemnities given by the warrantors under a sale agreement.


W&I insurance enables smoother transactions by transferring risk away from the purchaser, thereby facilitating deals and enhancing the overall security and confidence of both parties involved in the M&A transaction.



Key features

Bid enhancement
Clean exit for sellers
Enhanced protection for buyers
Enables smoother transaction process

Extends the cap and/or duration of warranties
Protection of relationships
Protection of parties from unforeseen risks
Reduces the potential for disputes

up to $30m


Why choose DUAL


Bespoke cover with enhanced service capabilities
Extensive experience across multiple jurisdictions
Security provided by Lloyd’s of London
In-house claims capability

Need a hand?

Get in contact

To issue a claim notification, please contact DUAL:


In writing:           

The National Claims Manager
DUAL New Zealand
Level 6, 5 High Street
Auckland, 1010

New Zealand


By email:

[email protected]