

About us

Streamline the quote and bind process with the WebRater. 8 available products to quote.

Document library
Download all our policy wordings, proposal and claims forms, and product profiles.


New Zealand

Don’t see a country you’re looking for?

Together with our partner brokers, we have an international network across 90 territories. Whether you’re a multinational looking for a broker that’s truly global, or a smaller business looking to insure your local needs, we can help you.


products available


occupations to choose from


policies transacted annually


broker logins

Benefits of the WebRater

Fast and easy

We won’t keep you waiting. Get straightforward business insurance fast, at any time of day or night.


Avoid unnecessary paperwork and hassle giving you more time to help your clients and grow your business.

Quote and bind multiple products

Our pioneering technology allows you to quote and bind multiple policies simultaneously to save time and avoid unnecessary steps.


Simply enter a few client details into WebRater, then get a single view of all product options, generate a quote and bind the cover for instant peace of mind.

Exceptional claims support

We’re here when you need us most.


With our efficient claims process and access to expert support, you can count on us to minimise the impact on your clients

Functionality focused on clients

24/7 availability every day of the year

Bind multiple policies at once

Individual personalised logins

Our products


The WebRater is an online trading platform that can help you obtain quotes and bind policies for the following 8 products:





How can we help you?

Get quoting now

Signing up is quick and easy – just fill out the form to experience the benefits of the WebRater for yourself.

Meet the WebRater team



WebRater Team Lead


Sarah Watson

WebRater Team Lead