

About us

Streamline the quote and bind process with the WebRater. 8 available products to quote.

Document library
Download all our policy wordings, proposal and claims forms, and product profiles.


New Zealand

Don’t see a country you’re looking for?

Together with our partner brokers, we have an international network across 90 territories. Whether you’re a multinational looking for a broker that’s truly global, or a smaller business looking to insure your local needs, we can help you.

Experts in Management Liability insurance


Management Liability is a packaged insurance offering that provides cover to senior management and the company for the decisions and responsibilities involved in running a business.

Our three offerings have been specifically designed to protect businesses with respect to the management risks of operating a business in today's often complex and litigious world.

Not all management liability offerings are the same and it’s important to recognise the differences between insurer's products and the impact of these differences for clients. 



product offerings

over 550

occupations available

up to $150m


Product offerings

Management Liability Gold
Private micro SME companies
  • Up to $5m turnover
  • Up to 100 staff
  • $100k – $2m limits
  • Pricing from $425+


Transacted via the WebRater.


Based on the DUAL New Zealand Mind the Gap Management Liability Policy Wording 02.18.

Management Liability Platinum
Private SME companies and unlisted public companies
  • Up to $50m turnover
  • Up to 200 staff
  • $1m – $5m limits


Transacted via the WebRater.


Based on the DUAL New Zealand Mind the Gap Management Liability Policy Wording 02.18.

Management Liability Speciality
Private companies
  • $50m to $150m turnover
  • Up to 1,000 staff
  • $1m – $10m limits


Transacted by your local specialty underwriter.


Based on the DUAL New Zealand Mind the Gap Management Liability Policy Wording 02.18.

How to get a quote




Instant Management Liability quotations and bindings are now available through the WebRater for up to 1,000 occupations and turnover up to $50m.

Financial lines team

For larger or more complex risks, please reach out to our financial lines underwriting team.