Our global network

We’re proud to be a global network of local experts.

With market-leading market presence in 21 countries, DUAL Group is a global organisation. But our real strength lies in our local teams, whose experience helps them better understand their local markets while bringing a global perspective. Their specialist knowledge means that we are able to provide high quality solutions, tailored to your needs making our products amongst the best in the market. 

DUAL Europe exemplifies our philosophy of "Global network, local expertise." With 19 locations across 13 countries, our European teams are perfectly positioned to understand the unique needs of their respective markets. This regional insight, combined with our extensive global network, enables us to deliver bespoke, high-quality solutions that meet the specific demands of our clients. Our presence throughout Europe ensures that we remain close to our clients, providing them with the best products and services available in the market.

Local experts, global network. Helping you do more

Our locations

DUAL Austria

Glasauergasse 15
1130 Wien 
Tel: +43 1 8760334

DUAL Austria

Olivova 2096/4
110 00 Praha 1
Czech Republic
Tel: +420 602 461 420


DUAL Finland
Urho Kekkosen katu 2 C
00100 Helsinki

DUAL France
179 Avenue Charles de Gaulle
92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine

DUAL Deutschland

Schanzenstr. 36 / Geb. 197
51063 Köln
Tel: +49 221 1680260

DUAL Deutschland

Gärtnerweg 9
60322 Frankfurt am Main
Tel: +49 221 1680260

DUAL Deutschland

Kattrepelsbrücke 1
20095 Hamburg
Tel: +49 40 35090675


DUAL Ireland
98 St. Stephen’s Green
Dublin 2
D02 F3F2
Tel: + 353 1 664 0001

DUAL Italia

Via Edmondo De Amicis, 51
20123 Milano
Tel: +39 02 72 080 597

DUAL Italia

Via Germania 11/A
37136 Verona
Tel: +39 045 20 88 129 

DUAL Italia

Via Lima, 7
00198 Roma
Tel: +39 06 87 452 629

DUAL Marine Europe

Piazza Raffaele de Ferrari, 4
16121 Genova
Tel: +39 010 5501 52


DUAL Benelux

Westersingel 98
3015 LC, Rotterdam

Polna Corner, 3A Waryńskiego Street, 5th and 6th floor
00-645 Warszawa, Polska

DUAL Austria
Slovenska Ulica 54
1000 Ljubljana
Tel: +43 6644557653

DUAL Ibérica 

Plaza de la Lealtad, 2-  2ª Planta,
28014 Madrid 
Tel: +34 91 369 12 58


DUAL Ibérica 

Plaça de Gal la Placídia, 1, 3, oficina 306,

08006 Barcelona



DUAL Nordics
Drottninggatan 33
111 50 Stockholm

DUAL Swiss
Uraniastrasse 14, 8001 Zurich
Tel: +41 44 585 99 00