Specialist underwriting for commercial crime risks

Crime insurance protects businesses from financial losses due to criminal activities such as theft, fraud or employee dishonesty. It typically covers direct losses from incidents like fidelity, burglary, forgery or cybercrime. 

Key benefits

Cover for internal and external crime 

Our commercial crime wording covers both fidelity and theft by a third party, including social engineering and fraud. 

AA-rated capacity  

All DUAL binders are backed by trusted capacity providers with solid underlying financials.  

Proven claims expertise 

DUAL has a dedicated claims team who will manage the claims process from the initial notification right through to resolution. 

All of our claims team are legally qualified and have significant industry experience. Additionally, we engage specialist law firms and fraud investigators where needed to handle complex claims to ensure the best outcome for the insured. 

Specialist legal support for complex scenarios 

Specialist law firms and fraud investigators will assist with the most complex claims, where needed. 


Coverage options

Coverage includes:

  • Fraudulent and dishonest acts by an employee
  • Theft by a third party
  • Money and tangible property
  • Counterfeiting and forgery
  • Extortion
  • Computer crime expenses
  • Care, custody and control
  • Social engineering and cyber fraud
  • Loss investigation costs
  • Public relations expenses


  • Confidential information
  • Consequential loss
  • Plastic cards
  • Prior knowledge
  • Profit loss and inventory computation
  • Property damage
  • Retroactive date
  • Voluntary surrender

Policy limits

Up to €10m

policy limits


Minimum attachment point for excess positions

Risk appetite

Covering 1000+ occupations, we have a  broad appetite for most industries and businesses – both private and public listed companies 

  • Current insureds include

    • Manufacturers 
    • White collar industries 
    • Blue collar industries 
    • Retail 
    • IT 
  • Outside of appetite

    • Unincorporated entities 
    • Armoured motor vehicles 
    • Casinos 
    • Racetracks 
    • Jewellers 
    • Currency exchange bureaux 

Why choose DUAL?

Built for speed

When time is tight, speak to us. Our flat hierarchies and streamlined processes allow for fast decisions.

Experience counts

26 years of heritage in financial lines and crime insurance - and still learning all the time.

Quality claims handling

Fast, efficient and fair – we design our claims processes to make life as easy as possible for you.

All about service

As an independent business, always thinking long term, everyone is committed to great service. Give us a try and see for yourself.

Underwriting requirements

You’ll need to provide information on the organisation, its risk management, and legal and claims history. Our submission requirements are:  

  • Commercial Crime application 
  • Prior cover details 
  • Five-year loss runs summary 

The underwriting process is designed to be as streamlined and simple as possible. Using a collaborative, flexible approach, we’ll consider each risk on its own terms and work with you to find a solution. 

We're here to help

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