Professional Liability
Professional liability coverage for hundreds of classes
DUAL's professional liability team offers creative underwriting solutions for miscellaneous professional, and architects/engineers/contractor professional liability coverage.
Key features
- Underwritten on behalf of "A" and "A+ XV" A.M. Best rated domestic and London-based carriers
- Limits up to $5M available
- Primary or excess capacity available
- Carrier claims handling
Architects and engineers
Comprehensive, bespoke solutions for complex professional liability accounts, built for specialized architect and engineer environments.
With decades of experience underwriting professional liability risks, we understand the unique risks architects and engineers are exposed to every day. Our team of experts designs tailored coverage to meet the complex needs of the architecture and engineering industries, backed by A rated capacity.
Key features
- Claims made coverage
- Architects, engineers and contractors professional
- Minimum premium: $3,500
- Minimum deductible: $5,000
- Worldwide coverage form
- Up to 5-year ERP
- Contractors' pollution included

Target classes
Landscape architects
Civil engineering
Electrical engineering
Structural engineering
Mechanical engineering
Design build exposures
Construction managers
Artisan and general contractors
And many more!
What we cover
- Broad definition of professional services
- No mold or asbestos exclusions on professional services
- Emergency response costs and pre-claim assistance
- Supplemental defendant reimbursement
- Supplemental disciplinary/administrative action
Miscellaneous professional liability
With over 30 years of experience in the professional liability space, we know how to get creative for your clients. Our team can deliver tailored risk solutions across more than 100 classes of business. And, with multiple slips, we’re able to deliver broad coverage for your clients nationwide.
Key features
- Specialization in small businesses and meeting contractual needs
- Option to add cyber for comprehensive coverage
- Flexible definition of professional services
- Claims-made coverage
- Worldwide coverage form
- Up to 5-year extended reporting period (ERP)
- Minimum premium: $2,500
- Minimum deductible: $2,500
Target classes
Agricultural consultants
Interior designers
HR consultants
Employment agencies (non-medical)
Logistic services
Management consultants
Manufacturers representatives
Market research/public opinion polling
Public relations
And more!
Submission requirements
Architects and engineers
- Architects and engineers application or contractor’s professional liability application
- Prior cover details
- Loss runs
Miscellaneous professional liability
- Professional liability application
- Prior cover details
- Loss runs
Document downloads
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