Safeguarding business against the impacts of political violence

Our specialized team provides expert underwriting solutions across a wide range of sectors that are exposed to the unique risks of political violence and terrorism.

When political unrest challenges the stability and safety of businesses, ensure protection for people, property and profits with our political violence program. Utilizing deep understanding of the unique risks of turbulent terrorism scenarios, we deliver comprehensive and tailored protection, backed by A+ rated capacity.

Key features

  • Written on a non-admitted E&S basis, nationwide
  • "A+" A.M. Best rated carrier
  • Limits up to $150m
  • Coverage for property damage, liability and business interruption

A+ A.M. Best

rated carrier

Target classes


Retail and commercial premises

Entertainment and sports venues

Industrial and manufacturing sites

Power and energy facilities

Construction projects

Real estate portfolios

Small and middle market accounts with TIVs ranging from less than $1m to multi-billion-dollar schedules

Coverages available

Coverages include:

  • Property damage
  • Liability
  • Business interruption
Capitol at sunset

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Contact the expert

Photo of Andrew Wertz

Andrew Wertz

AVP, Political Violence

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