Deductible Buyback
Reduce wind, hail, flood and earthquake deductibles for your clients' high value homes and commercial properties nationwide
Our deductible buyback program provides a valuable solution for your clients facing large deductibles by lowering their out-of-pocket costs. For clients with commercial properties and high-value homes, our comprehensive program can be an option to lower out of pockets expense at time of loss for critical coverage and overall enhanced financial security, backed by A+ XV rated capacity.
Key features
- Non-admitted, nationwide program
- Two different capacity providers
- “A+ XV” A.M. Best rated carriers
- In-house authority to $5m in limits
- Minimum premium: $750
- Deductible 1% subject to a minimum $5,000
- Premium is 100% earned at inception unless otherwise agreed
- Frequently used to meet lender or association bylaw maximum deductible requirements
A.M. best rated carrier
in limits
Coverages available
Coverage includes:
- Wind deductible buydown – limit of liability $5m
- Coverage for commercial properties, apartments,condos
- High valued homes (must meet minimum dwelling A value of $1.5m)
- Property, contents and loss of income
- Other structure coverage available

Target classes
- Fire resistant/MNC
- Non-combustible
- JM/frame/brick veneer
- Residential
- Commercial
- Multi-family
- Apartments/condos
- Asphalt shingle
- Wood shingle
- Tile shingle
- Metal
- TPO/membrane
- Wind
- Hail
- Flood
- Quake
- Named storm
- Calendar year hurricane
Submission requirements
- Completed ACORD application or excel SOV
- 5-year loss runs
- Target premium
Document downloads
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