Product Recall insurance

Key benefits
Tailored insurance programs for comprehensive protection
Using our Product Recall and Contaminated Products wordings as the starting point, we can design a bespoke program to suit your needs.
Worldwide coverage
Our specialist teams in London, USA and Europe support brokers and insureds with some of the broadest coverage available in the Recall marketplace.
24/7 crisis response
During a recall, time is of the essence. Offer your clients 24/7 crisis support from Crisis 24.
Pre-incident risk management consulting
Before incidents happen, we offer risk management support to help clients prepare for and survive an event. This includes training scenarios, example PR briefings, and crisis simulations.

primary and/or excess
Retail or wholesale
available to retail and wholesale brokerages
Risk appetite
Our core target market is:
- Mid-to-large companies with revenues of $100m+ or equivalent
- SME businesses or contract-specific cover, with no lower revenue threshold
Current insureds include
Food and beverage
Consumer goods
Auto and non-auto component parts
Including automotive, aviation, rail, and aerospace
Electronics and communications equipment
Including consumer and industrial
Brown and white goods
Sporting and recreational equipment
Clothing apparel and footwear
Packaging manufacturers
Why choose DUAL?
A+ rated capacity
All DUAL binders are backed by trusted capacity providers with solid underlying financials.
Deep expertise
Our underwriters have decades of experience in product recall - we're a safe pair of hands in a crisis.
Built for speed
When time is tight, speak to us. Our flat hierarchies and streamlined processes allow for quick decisions.
Quality claims management
Fast, efficient, and fair – our claims process is designed to make life easy for you. Every claim has its own designated claims handler from start to finish.
Underwriting requirements
We’ll ask for the following client information:
- North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) code
- Revenue figures
- Controls, testing, and audit processes
- Recall preparedness
- Account history
For renewals, we’ll need to know about any changes to products or operations in the last 12 months.